Thursday, May 20, 2010

Royal Bardia National Park

The Royal Bardia National Park is the largest and most undisturbed wild area of the Terai. Simialar to Chitwan but drier and more remote, it encompasses 1,000 square km of riverine grassland and sal forests. Bardia has the country's second largest tiger population, plus blackbuck antelopes, a few wild elephants, Gharial crocodiles, birds and mammals, and some rare Gangetic dolphins in the Karnali River on its western border.
You can camp near the warden's office, but bring all your supplies. Significantly, nobody's done it yet. The sole accommodations are Tiger Tops Karnali Lodge and its tented camp on the bank of the Churia river.
Getting There
As Bardia lies in the far-western region of Nepal, travelling till there via road from Kathmandu can be tiresome. Most people prefer to fly to Nepalgunj, which has an airfield. Round trip airfare from Kathmandu costs around US$ 198 and if you are going to Tiger Tops, you will be picked up upon your arrival and brought back for departure.

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